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Gennady Shipov, Eugene Gubarev
How scientific progress reshapes our worldview

Oб авторе - Gennady Shipov
Oб авторе - Eugene Gubarev


The paper considers the parallel development of art and science since the civilization of ancient Egypt. It is shown that the concept of God and space in art and science changes over time as our knowledge of the world around us. In the modern theory of Physical Vacuum, there is a level of Reality – Absolute Nothing as a synonym for God. There are three independent experimental astrophysical results that indirectly indicate the existence of God.


Art and Science, Religion and Science all these human activities are closely related to each other and, most likely, are different sides of the same Universal Science. The great minds of mankind have always believed that such "ephemeral" concepts as the Spirit and Soul of man are a kind of additional "sense organs" that allow a person to explore the world outside of materialism. The basis of system values, which occupy a Central place in any civilization of the world, is primarily a theoretical (logical, metaphysical) model of the surrounding space. It is most clearly displayed in works of fine art and architectural forms that are put forward and approved by civilization itself. In parallel with metaphysical ideas about space, exact Sciences put forward and improve their ideas about physical space and the flow of time.

Turning to the most ancient treatises of India-the Vedas, we see that the source of all things is Space, which is able to create a variety of material and immaterial objects from itself [1]. For rice.1 is a picture of Svyatoslav Roerich, which shows a Teacher answering a student's question about the source of the World. The Creator of everything in this picture is Emptiness, which creates itself out self and in this sense is synonymous with God.

Fig. 1. Meditating Teacher in Tibet about the source of Peace

The artistic and logical model of the surrounding space and scientific knowledge about the nature of physical space are not the same thing. However, in both subjects there are common features inherent only in the civilization that put them forward. The development of metaphysical models of the surrounding world goes hand in hand with the development of fundamental knowledge about the structure of real space. The artistic and ideological model of the world and the scientific picture of the universe are equally valuable for civilization and are the basis of all its institutions.

1. One-dimensional civilization of Ancient Egypt

The great Egyptian civilization, which reigned for several millennia before our era, was logically one-dimensional (spatially one-dimensional, not counting the time dimension). This means that the basis of her metaphysical ideas about the world was a one-dimensional space-a line. The invention belonged to the Egyptian civilization linear writing. The Egyptian temple architecture was distinguished by a linear sequence of halls, and this feature indicated the absoluteness of the infinite arrow of time. At this time, there was a change in world events, which were ordered because they were governed, according to the Egyptian priests, by a linear hierarchy of higher powers.

If we look at the map of Ancient Egypt, we will see that its territory occupied a narrow strip of fertile land on both banks of the Nile. This form of the square of the ancient state produced corresponding images of the surrounding world – for the ancient Egyptians, the world was one-dimensional.

Fig.2. Feast. Painting on the tomb of Rehmir.

Structurally linear, one-dimensional model of space Fig.2. Figures are linked by actions only on the line, but not with figures from neighboring lines. This image corresponds to the principle of linear writing – one of the inventions of Ancient Egypt.

The architectural forms of Ancient Egypt were also linear, i.e. logically one-dimensional. "A typical Theban temple ... was extended along one axis. ... The location of the main parts of the temple on a single axis allowed during solemn processions with the statue to move in a straight line, from door to door, out."

The gods of Egypt, as stated in the "Book of the Dead" have a cosmic origin, which follows, for example, from the phrase: "I am Horus, I am the day of Yesterday, I am the Day of Tomorrow, I rush through space and time."

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First International Conference on Science and God, Seoul, South Korea, February 2, 2020

Gennady Shipov, Eugene Gubarev, How scientific progress reshapes our worldview // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.26128, 21.02.2020

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