1. The Possible reasons of oblivion of the historical past.
The superficial knowledge of events of domestic history allows noticing, that attempts of creation of positive state ideology were undertaken repeatedly. Not entering into critical analysis of details, we shall remind, that one of the most "powerful" arguments from opponents of such attempts was groundless denying, aversion, demonstrative ignorance of the positive facts and circumstances of Russian history which can serve as the base of creative ideological activity.
For example, the ideological inspirer of «westernphilness», P.J.Chaadaev, being the grandson of the Russian historian of prince Cherbatov, has desired to not see in Russian history anything, except for « wild barbarity, rough ignorance, furious and humiliating foreign sovereignty ». In the first Philosophy letter, he convinced the addressee, that « the Epoch of our social life […] has been filled by the dim and gloomy existence, deprived forces and energy which nothing recovered, except for evil deeds, nothing softened, except for slavery»[1].
Chaadaev has appeared in the center of attention of the Russian literature. He has served as the prototype of images of Chatsky, of Onegin, partly of Petchorin. His melancholy and consequences in the form of affairs and opinions of these literary heroes, Russian pupils studies here already more than hundreds years. We shall trust in an instinct of those Russian writers who has experienced a problem « the superfluous person » in our society, and has tried, moderately talent, it to resolve. As we see, it is not so successful till this moment as socially significant nihilism of Chaadaev prospers in heads of the cultural people, which aspiring to leave Russia. Its inhabitants are more sick for real and imagined insults, since Chatsky's times and to this day. To define the reasons of the domestic nihilism which has gone through safely the serfdom, some revolutions, socialism and, perhaps, reorganization, we shall make the following.
Let's consider that step of a food ladder, the supreme, on which the school biology places the person, more attentively.
2. How the society begins?
We, inhabitants of cities, receive provisions not directly from animals, fields and gardens, but from hands of people which can be named peasants in Russia . This name is not casually similar to Christians. It is not similarity, and identical equality of concepts.
Russian peasants also are immemorial Christians, as carriers of orthodox Christian attitude.
Hence, Russia is the country of Christian historically by definition, initially.
It is possible to feel specificity of Russian country work from the following remarkable description of a way of processing of the ground under landing of trees, practiced in Wood department of pre-revolutionary Russia.
Ridges carefully prepared: the ground is loosened with shovels, lumps break all over again a raker, not crushed get away ridges together with roots bad trees. Then prepared in advance friable ground. After that the ridge is condensed with palms entirely [2].
Let's note, the pre-revolutionary ridges farmer used his own hands without any instrument not from the wildness, persistently attributed to the Russian peasant various authors.
During a described epoch the American seeders-winnowers and other rural machines were on sale in each decent rural bench [3].
Akmolinsk's forest areas [in the same place] have been provided by telephone, the central newspapers were delivered in any corner of empire, and a battery for electric small lamps were offered in the same Russian rural shops near to nails and herrings.
The unique convincing reason of the described country practice consists that so was considered expedient to do for achievement of positive result.
Easier speaking, before us attributes of work not for fear, but for conscience, which operates behavior of the orthodox person.
Let's remember, from the same rate of school biology that in a number absolutely necessary to the person for existence of things after air and water there is just a food. Without these blessings the person loses an opportunity of physical existence in short terms.
Unlike free-of-charge (while) air and waters, the necessary component of existence - food, all people can receive all only from one source, namely, from peasants.
It is available next ways.
1. To take away food by force. It was way of annalistic princes with the combatants. The first professional soldiers flew because of a hill on peasants and "collected" from them taxes during the short period of harvesting while peasants are helpless on the not compressed field.
2. To exchange food for something useful in farm. Numerous handicraftsmen and merchants used and use of this way.
3. To feed the peasant spiritually. In this category we found actors, sorcerers, doctors, teachers, philosophers, and ecclesiastics. They offer the peasant in exchange for the foodstuffs not material benefits, but fruits of intelligence, therefore they should convince the consumer of high quality of production. It is a problem not easily solved.
The listed categories of citizens are compelled to form actively a society of the peasant simply for own survival.
It is easy to notice, that we receive on biological preconditions about food circuits, instead of on representations of social studies, the structure of society. It described by The laws of Manu as the Aryan society, consisting of peasants, soldiers, handicraftsmen and priests which we understood as manufacturers of cultural wealth.
Let's pay attention that it is a question not exclusively of ancient Aryan tribes or far mysterious India, and including our modern Russian society in which perfectly there are the specified social groups (caste) differing on a way of extraction of daily necessary portion of food without which it is impossible to exist physically.
3. What caste was the first?
Let's recollect Adam and Eve's bible history, which else in paradise to a garden ate fruits, which extracted from trees. After exile from paradise it was necessary to work in sweat of the face for receives food. To these attributes of a way of reception of food directly from surrounding vegetative and fauna without intermediaries, by own physical work. It is necessary to carry Adam and Eva to a farm caste.
In favor of primacy of peasants in relation to other castes it is possible to specify the following.
Let's assume, that we observe a society in which there are no castes or classes. How it can look?
In real history of Russia there is such phenomenon, as Cossacks. People who carry itself as Cossacks, obtain food on a farm way, but at war for their rights as warriors, to trade, as merchants, and provide itself with household products, as handicraftsmen.
Thus the management of the Cossack society is carried out by elective managers who come back to the farm employment after the ending of a term of appointment.
Is admissible to assume, that in an image of modern Cossacks we can observe and investigate model primary homogeneous Russian society which symbol is the national image of St. George. He was the soldier and, simultaneously, the plowman.
Castes objectively are allocated and stand apart during that moment when - the states make the geographical sizes of successfully developing society impossible for the peasant to combine the seasonal labor with necessity of a military long campaign or merchant expedition.
Subjectively - when farm work ceases to be a subject of pride, and returning to it is regarded, as not deserved punishment.
The offered criterion of transition of the Cossack state in exclusive allows carrying the moment of formation of Russian castes during an epoch of an eminence of Moscow, 14 - 15 centuries. It is necessary to note, that the opportunity of numerous recurrence of the identical social phenomena during the different periods of Russian history was shown. In other words, it is quite probable, that not a unique case of formation of statehood around of Moscow, and is far not the first.
Existence in territory of Russia the Cossack state during a historical epoch is proved [4, 5].
Below, on fig.1, contours of this state in territory Moscow and the next areas from the specified work are presented.
Fig. 1. Situated near Moscow highways limit places of a disposition parts of the Moscow state-army. There are contour of St. George cross.
The Laws of Manu [6], so describes construction of an invincible army.
187. Let him march on his road, arraying (his troops) like a staff (i.e. in an oblong), or like a waggon (i.e. in a wedge), or like a boar (i.e. in a rhombus), or like a Makara (i.e. in two triangles, with the apices joined), or like a pin (i.e. in a long line), or like a Garuda (i.e. in a rhomboid with far-extended wings).
188. From whatever (side) he apprehends danger, in that (direction) let him extend his troops, and let him always himself encamp in an array, shaped like a lotus. (Chapter VII)
In construction by a wild boar it is possible to find custom of a knightly European army to which it was necessary to battle Alexander Nevski's troopers.
Макара it is recognized in the pair blades of a cross located in vicinities of Moscow, as the Vladimir and Smolensk princedoms. This form of a modern tie-butterfly has the most ancient origin, refers to «labris» and contacts image of the sky-sun, the foremother of a duck, an eagle since times Chatal-Guyck. In Russian culture the symbolic of labris was used in the form of axes - the weapon of bodyguard of tsars.
Garuda is a cross of St. George of the Moscow state as a whole, but understood, how a divine bird - an eagle. Smolensk and Vladimir princedoms - its wings, its tail is formed by the Tver princedom, and the head consists of the Ryazan princedom.
Lotus are near vicinities of the Moscow Kremlin, a residence of tsar which is from everywhere protected by ring strengthening of Cathay city, White city, Earthen city. As in Moscow suburbs lotuses meet infrequently, it is possible to assume, that it not a flower, but its heavenly image, known to us, as the goddess Leto or Luda.
According with Dictionary of Vladimir Dal, Makar is a nickname of all people of Ryazan, during epoch of imperator Peter I. Quite probably, this name is immeasurably more spiritual.
For example, rearrangement of syllables asks a to speak «karma».
The centralized state existed in territory of Russia during an epoch of formation modern: roads, names of towns and rivers.
As capitals of specific princedoms known today are not connected among themselves by direct routes but only through territory of Moscow, it means, that princedoms initially were not independent of the center.
Let's address to the analysis of ideology of the state - an army which appears on a map, at imposing to Moscow of the center of a military cross of an award of
St. George and its orientation of the left and right blades of symmetrically axis Shuya - Desna. See fig.1.
Leaders of this state, princes and boyars of Moscow, Tver. Ryazan, Shuya, Smolensk, scientific, monks have left quite real trace in world history.
The basic populations of this state were, certainly, peasants, but able to help for them, served military service to sovereign as troopers, i.e. in modern understanding - Cossacks.
At once it is necessary to realize, that Cossacks - people proud. They are proud of themselves, the way of life, the orthodox belief and the history.
This fact or should be taken as a matter of course, or to learn history of Cossacks and again to accept.
If Cossacks obtain food by farm work, processing the ground they make it not on compulsion, but on virtue of confidence, that it is unique a correct way of life.
To understand native history, it is necessary to understand one moment firmly.
Our orthodox ancestors frayed the ground by own hands in the farm work not because Norman or the Mongol has forced them to do it.
Not because prince or monk have forced them to it.
It is impossible to force for love farm heavy work, and without this love will not grow anything.
Millions Moscow summer residents, having torn waists on their gardens, were personally convinced of it.
Russian peasants worked and work on the ground on belief, that so to live - fairly. They ask the help only from the God that a rain has given.
This country outlook on itself and the God also is the true Orthodoxy made a basis of ideology of the centralized Moscow state-army, shown on fig.1.
In such state, fruits of farm work are distributed between all members of the society, making the goods demanded by the peasant and services.
To provide uninterrupted existence of these streams, manufacturers - peasants should be convinced of their expediency.
The soldier should be at war safely, the handicraftsman should make the necessary products, the philosopher should describe adequately the world, and prince should keep up general well-being.
Some time so happens.
It is an epoch of origin of castes in homogeneous a Cossack country society, an epoch of knights and poets, founders of philosophical systems and ingenious achievements.
At this time honesty is not exception, soldiers, handicraftsmen and merchants are proud of themselves and deservedly.
Citizens discuss state affairs directly on the central area of the city, send military and trading expeditions on territory of earth, and there is no release from interested persons to glorify itself and the sort.
Example of such state in known Russian history Mister Great Novgorod gives to us.
4. The Reasons of formation of caste's society.
Once, upon a time, in a society the idea takes roots, that farm work is heavy and unpleasant. It means that moral health of a society starts to give failures.
Anyone tries to avoid farm works, and for this purpose it is necessary to leave estate of peasants and to pass in high castes.
Such or similar reasons independent of an epoch and intelligence, repeating in history of societies repeatedly, since the most ancient times up to now, provide the stream of volunteers directed from a caste of peasants into high castes.
Thus number of peasants is continuously reduced, and number of applicants for fruits of farm work accordingly increases in time.
Thus, except for a unilateral stream of food stuffs, in a real society it is available one more constant material unilateral stream in the form of volunteers, whom the peasant's caste repairs castes, not making a feed.
Sooner or later peasants start to doubt, whether it is necessary to feed to satiety former comrades on a caste, moved in city for a blue bird of happiness, unfair handicraftsmen, cowardly soldiers and the boyars, capable at one o'clock to lose an annual yield of the whole village on a card table in the cheerful city of Hamburg.
Certainly, in a real society there are return negative communications, mechanisms of adjustments, the control and the self-checking, slowing down inevitable accident. Public accident in Russia comes with inevitability of winter and a crop. See work [7].
At the certain moment of Russian history, managers guess to carry out a certain reform.
It happens after the next distemper in the state organism; the next mass outcome of intelligence to the warm countries, far away from the orthodox peasantry, dissatisfied with spiritual products, offered him in exchange for the foodstuffs.
This orthodox peasantry is not « dark and hammered » but is contrary, proud, reasonable and very hardy. They don’t want to suffer resignedly unfair public relations.
Reform refers differently.
For example, at Lenin - "prodrazvercnka", at Denikin - «the third sheaf ", at Peter I - the head tax. Business is not in the name, but it is in an essence. The essence is shown on fig.2.
Fig. 2. The scheme of distribution of production of castes in conditions of the head tax. Green arrows show streams vital (peep), orange - all the others.
Apparently from fig.2, peasants now give the product not directly to all requiring in exchange for something useful to themselves, but does it in the form of the state tax. Accordingly, the state managers does redistribution of food stuffs.
Kotoshikhin, the clerk of the Ambassadorial Order in days of tsar Aleksey Mihajlovich, brings facts. One only honey from an imperial court yard was released in day of three thousand buckets that makes not less than thirty tons, the modern railway tank [8].
Tsar fed soldiers and priests, actors and scientists from the hands, and they were grateful to him for it, and not especially were interested, where tsar obtains the forages.
Since this moment, when the government charges itself with burden of gathering and distribution of country products to all citizens requiring food, and the purposeful all-round humiliation of Russian peasantry, as true manufacturer of food stuffs and Orthodoxy, as natural country religion begins. This humiliation generates reciprocal processes which nowadays can be called problems of tolerance.
Henceforth the peasant should not dare to reflect on expediency of the maintenance of castes not making food stuffs.
The soldier, priest, scientific, a merchant and the handicraftsman now faithfully support tsar as life-support receive from him, instead of from the peasant.
Scientific theories, philosophical ideas began to be discussed and checked not by the peasant, as the main manufacturer of the vital blessings for a society in practice, but in imperial environment of a whim, unessential interest. This circumstance generates a problem of a freedom of worship as it will be shown below. The Laws of Manu recommended:
20. If the king did not, without tiring, inflict punishment on those worthy to be punished, the stronger would roast the weaker, like fish on a spit;
30. (Punishment) cannot be inflicted justly by one who has no assistant, (nor) by a fool, (nor) by a covetous man, (nor) by one whose mind is unimproved, (nor) by one addicted to sensual pleasures.
Instead of all known permanent « aggravations of class struggle » are recommended to us much more fruitful relations between managers and operated people:
80. Let him cause the annual revenue in his kingdom to be collected by trusty (officials), let him obey the sacred law in (his transactions with) the people, and behave like a father towards all men.
Author of Laws of Manu well knows psychology of natives of dirt in princes:
123. For the servants of the king, who are appointed to protect (the people), generally become knaves who seize the property of others; let him protect his subjects against such (men).
5. Abraamic religion, as ideology of a caste.
So, castes already are. It is necessary to live further, to bring up children. By the way, and how to bring up, what to teach?
Let's begin with priests. By itself it is clear, that it is necessary to prepare for worthy change, to transfer receptions of skill and secrets of success in preservation status quo.
Thus the most important for any person, is confidence of the future. This confidence is to be distributed in time for children and grandsons. Who does not wish good to the grandsons? And if grandsons do not understand benefit of the social status reached by ancestors, and wish to spoil all, married on the laundress, what to do?
But if the personas weak, the God is mighty. His authority will suffice on everything. The religion will assist to the careful father to teach the rebellious child. Certainly, the religion should be correct. To not be exchanged for trifles, a level - that what! It turns out, with reference to a case of education of the future governor, a provisional set of postulates (doctrines).
-You are the best.
-anybody is not pair to you .
-you are choosing of Lord.
All are obliged to serve you.
Still it is better to receive these postulates from hands of the god, but it is hard. There is enough, if very dear person will swear that he has received them from the God, and, in extreme circumstances (eruption of a volcano, falling of a meteorite, fire of bush, etc.).
Let's pass to a caste of Kshatriya -warriors. Here the authority is realized by force physical, trainings, tournaments, hunting, and sports. For the set forth above reasons, for correct education of successors and successors the set of the postulates received from the god also is necessary. Postulates can be the same, but with addition of military specificity. For example:
-kill incorrect.
-if you will be lost on sacred war, you will get straight in paradise.
In paradise you are waited by fine maidens.
There are two circumstances specifying a situation.
The first. A question of sanctity of this war outside of the competence of the soldier. It is solved by a priestly caste. They determine who true, and who incorrect.
The second. Paradise here obviously youth, so to say, for military age and inquiries. Libraries with works of inventors of numbers and algebra in this paradise perhaps are, but not advertised.
Let's pass now to an ancient Aryan caste of dealers and handicraftsmen. Requirements are others, and religion postulates vary. Now they are approximately so:
-the god hope, but think by own head.
-rely only on himself.
-care of himself (a competition!).
Certainly, postulates of the first caste in any cut down a kind are available and for others.
The main problem of the listed castes, that without peasants they cannot exist. The caste of farmers is an initial substratum for physical and moral strengthening other castes, (subject to degeneration). It is the unique caste, capable to exist on a planet irrespective of other castes, i.e. it is primary. As it is possible to guess, a caste of farmers has the system of postulates too.
First, any authority from the god, substitute the left cheek if have struck on right, give last shirt, etc.
Secondly, the huge quantity of rules of behavior, corrected by God's assisting in hard farm work. It is a solar and lunar calendar of the farmer. These are the various signs, allowing straw to spread, where it is necessary.
It is a huge quantity of knowledge of crop rotations, the herbs, useful properties of trees, animal, minerals. To speak it briefly, all that luggage of knowledge which can be got, if, in Lomonosov's figurative comparison to read the Book of the nature this was written by its Creator.
The history of Russian Orthodoxy speaks us that such people were always.
Orthodoxy as system of postulates of a caste of farmers, it is necessary includes positions which have brought other castes for the advantage, and « an initial code », from religion and a science of those times when divisions into castes were not, and knowledge got to peasants not only when there was their dosed out outflow from ruling castes.
The systems of the postulates, necessary for education of young change in each of described castes, assumed by us theoretically. Those castes are in The Laws of Manu, as castes of an Aryan society. Caste's systems of the postulates exist in real modern culture and belong to global religions. We shall list them under the order.
Judaism - religion of governors of the world. It is widespread on requirements of management worldwide, but today it is most concentrated in the USA and Israel. Historically authentic carriers Judaic ideologies were localized in ruling social layers of Russia and Khazaria.
Islam - religion of soldiers. It is widespread in the warm countries of Asia and Africa. The most northern country of an Islam, modern Tartaria, obviously designates the beginning of its distribution on the world, but roots it is necessary to search in head's shelf of the Moscow state-army, known nowadays, as the Ryazan princedom. There the best soldiers have been collected, and the youth was brought up in military traditions which are contained in Islam. Obviously not casually capitals of Golden Horde, the Old Sarai and the New Sarai, are on southern continuation of a straight line, as an arrow, roads Tver-Moscow-Ryazan [9].
Protestantism - religion of shopkeepers and handicraftsmen. It is widespread in the Europe and America, as to the new native land of natives of the Moscow state on a direct route Smolensk - Minsk - Warsaw - Lichtenstein - Andorra - Seville - Cadis and further in New Light by Columbus's ships.
Orthodoxy - religion of peasants. Don’t think, that Gogol’s Pliushckin, the Russian nobleman, who sold the orthodox peasants in the market, could be sincere orthodox even if he beat bows on Sundays with the serfs in rural church.
Orthodoxy there where has arisen, in Russia is widespread. Modern localization of Orthodoxy as the religion of an initial human generality of the farmers which have given rise and an impulse of development to all other existing castes, shows, where there is a world, global center, the beginning, a biological and spiritual source of distribution of modern European culture and a modern technical world civilization. As the today's technical civilization is alive, also its roots also are alive and obliged to be among alive cultures, instead of among dead, where them by mistake search.
Within of real caste’s structure of modern distribution of religions on a planet it is possible to approve, that an ancient Aryan society as an integral organism, has kept viability till our time. It looks as set of the modern states of Eurasia and Northern America with the corresponding state religions called Abraamic. This generalizing name specifies a primary origin of global religions from the uniform ideological primary source as individual exclusive systems of the postulates in common providing well-being of a caste’s society mutually supplementing each other, described by The Laws of Manu.
6. A conclusion.
The understanding of structure of the modern Judeo- Orthodoxy -Muslim world as obvious the Aryan caste’s state, existing from an extreme antiquity hitherto, described by The Laws of Manu, is offered.
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