Humanity has emerged as a step in the evolution of life to implement the getting up into space (Fig.1). It is for this purpose the evolution armed human with external energy (fire) and developed the ability to create artificial technical systems.
Fig.1. Life gradually took possession of water, land and air (left image), and then there were people with fire. Man gradually mastered land, water and air to eventually begin to explore outer space (right image).
It follows that the global goal of humanity is not parasitism in the biosphere, but transformation, with further going beyond the planet. Only by having this prospect in sight, it is possible to understand all the past stages of humanity’s development, to comprehend today's problems and clearly define the future.
1. Three evolutionary stages of a cosmic civilization
The probability that we are alone in the Universe is small, even out of general observations. And the discovery of the anthropic principle [1, 2] in the last century showed how accurately all the physical parameters of the Universe are adjusted for the need of existence of life in it. Moreover, the study of the hierarchical structure of the Universe revealed [3] that the living cell is located in the scale center of the Universe (Fig. 2), which automatically leads to the conclusion: life is not only a natural, but even an inevitable phenomenon in the development of the Universe.
Fig. 2. Living cell in its size is so many times larger than the smallest particle (maximon), so it is smaller in size than a Metagalaxy. Thus, it occupies the central place in the proportional scale of the Universe.
Given all these facts, the Universe must be inhabited by other civilizations, some of which are much older than humanity and have long gone beyond their own planets. The question arises – why do they not come into contact with us?
One of the logical answers can be found if we imagine that each cosmic civilization is born and matures in the "embryonic" state on its planet, then "pecks the shell" of its planetary existence and proceeds into the "real" adult world as a full-fledged outer-space "Intelligence" (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. The three supposed evolutionary stages of the outer-space Intelligence: embryonic (P – planetary), the stage of "birth" (B) and the stage of the "adult" life in outer space (C).
According to the scheme, in the twentieth century, humanity has just entered the short and turbulent period of "birth" (B), after which it will "hatch out" in the form of a new cosmic civilization hundreds of years later. And only after the completion of the B stage there will be a full-fledged contact with other cosmic civilizations. Not earlier.
If we compare the duration proportions of the embryonic development stage of the human with the period of his adult life (about 1 to 100), we can tell that after the completion of the reaching into outer space period we’ll have a very long and active "adult" life (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. The embryonic stage of the human lasts 9 months, while the average life expectancy is 75 years. If we take this proportion as a basis, we can estimate two variants of the cosmic civilization life expectancy: short (counting from the first cave paintings) and long (counting from the appearance of the first proto-humans with obvious signs of an upright stance, about 10 million years ago).
The question is, how will humanity change after its "birth" and access to the vastness of the Universe?
2. Evolution leaps
As history shows, the development of all forms of the technosphere is leaping (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5. All the technology in the history of mankind has a longstanding evolutionary period in its development, and after that – a revolutionary leap. This suggests that soon we are going to experience a leap in the speed and method of navigation (top image) and in the speed of information transfer (bottom image).
It is difficult to assume that in the future humanity will develop only evolutionarily, based on the already discovered principles of jet propulsion and signal transmission using EMR. An option of another leap, after which our capabilities will be an order of magnitude greater, is more logical. Even more so, it is difficult to assume that the cosmic civilizations that have gone beyond their planets use "antique" means of navigation and transmitting of information, rockets and EMR-communication.
And if they have already gone through these leaps, it is possible that their technical means are beyond our not only perception, but even imagination. And in this case, they have long established surveillance of us and, if necessary, send us the necessary information that we accept, for example, as insights or as random events.
3. Heirs of cosmic civilizations
There is no form of matter in the Universe, which would not be born and would not die. Stars, planets and galaxies are born and die. All kinds of living organisms are born and die. States and civilizations come and go.
Therefore, there is no reason to assume that even very advanced cosmic civilizations can live forever. The obvious conclusion is that they need "heirs" to continue their evolution. Our earthly civilization may be one of these heirs for them.
Taking into account the hypothetical incredible ways of navigation and transmitting of information owned by other cosmic civilizations, one of them (and possibly several) is a "caring parent" of our earthly civilization, who would constantly be "near" and observe our development.
In this regard, the future of the Earth civilization appears rather optimistic. After proceeding to the cosmic stage of existence, we will enter the community of extraterrestrial civilizations, and they will gradually pass on all their knowledge and experience to us (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6. On Earth there is a continuity of civilizations – "a relay race of civilizations". We can assume that a similar relay race of civilizations exists in outer space.
At the same time, our civilization, because of its young age, possesses a fresh-new potential among other cosmic civilizations, which makes its future very interesting and creative. Our image is as unique and original as the image of every newborn.
The question is, what should we care about if our cosmic parents would take care of us anyway? Well, even a chicken has to make an effort to hatch from the egg. A planetary civilization is no exception. Much, if not all, depends on our efforts. Therefore, we have a whole lot of achievements and transformations to accomplish in the near and distant future; otherwise, we can become a stillborn.
4. Problems to be solved in the long term
Going beyond the planet and the formation of our civilization as a cosmic civilization, apparently, is impossible without the development of ethereal energy and methods of transmitting of information through the universal information field. Since the twentieth century (since N. Tesla) there were attempts to master these means, but so far there is no reliable confirmation of success in this direction. It seems that we will need more than one century to solve this task.
But the problem of ethereal energy is not the most important. Each transition of an organism from one habitat to another is accompanied by a radical change in its body. The fish has come to land not in aquariums. And the transition from the planetary environment to the outer space is way more difficult than the transition from the aquatic environment to land or from land to air.
Therefore, we can assume that the human body will be evolutionally changed beyond recognition. The easiest path is to create a civilization of robots based on silicon and without water, which will solve 99% of the problems with being in outer space. In this case, after a period of time the human will become an avatar for robots, and humanity will give rise to a civilization of space robots, which we would create "in our image and likeness".
In this scenario, the soul question and the question of the ability to self-development and cognition remains unresolved, even theoretically. Still, maybe our ability to learn and develop is just a projection of some higher beings? While, from this perspective, every human is just a biorobot, which was created for the exploration of the planet Earth and the subsequent creation of a civilization of biorobots?
It is very difficult to give a definite answer to this tricky question.
The second path of transformation is the transformation of the human with the rejection of his body shell. This was the dream of many thinkers, from ancient times to the present day (for example, K. E. Tsiolkovsky and his idea of the radiant humanity).
Even in the New Testament it was said that in the Kingdom of heaven there would be no bodies for men:
"The first man is from the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven (boldface by me – S. S.)... But I will tell you, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God (boldface by me – S. S.), and the corruptible will not inherit incorruption... For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality" (the First Epistle to the Corinthians of the Holy Apostle Paul. 15.35-53).
For us, it is as difficult to imagine which route the transformation will go and what it will result in, as it would be for the fish to imagine that its gradual coming out of water to land (through the intermediate phase of amphibians) would eventually result in turning into animals, and thereafter into people. Well, perhaps not that difficult, but a thousand times more difficult! Almost impossible. Yet, do we have to?
It is much more important to determine what humanity needs to do not in this distant future, but in the near future, for example in the next 100...1000 years.
5. Issues to be resolved in the short term
In the twentieth century, mankind, perhaps, for the first time saw itself in all the diversity of cultures. The preceding history has left us with a tough legacy. Many countries stuck in their development in the distant past, poverty and rapid depletion of resources. All this raises the question of saving humanity from many serious threats: environmental, social, resource, etc.
That is how in the bowels of Western civilization they developed an egoistic plan of "salvation" of the civilizational mankind through the discharge of the "excess" people. And everyone except for the "Golden billion" would be among the excess.
However, note that, firstly, as if mocking this plan, representatives of the "Golden billion" have practically ceased to reproduce in recent decades. Thus, the birth rate in Europe fell below all permissible norms – to 1.31 (the minimum coefficient would be 2.1). The population of developed countries suffers from obesity (more than 50%) and from a growing epidemic of depression (more than 24%). The "chosen ones" get more diseases and do not want to reproduce. While representatives of the Arab world and a number of other nationalities, which initially were supposed to stay "off the boat", began to climb into the "Noah’s ark".
Secondly, the 7-8-fold reduction in the world's population is obviously a catastrophic "procedure", and its implementation can lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, the world elite will try to "get rid of the "excess" population by soft, almost imperceptible means.
Thirdly, even with such a reduction (if at all it is possible) being done, many problems will still remain unsolved.
Still, whichever the case may be, the elite of the Western world pursuits to take an informational and economic control over the entire planet. And generally they succeed. Due to the digital technology, the world is gradually turning into one huge digital concentration camp, in which it will not be possible to perform any unauthorized (by the regime) actions.
From the standpoint of restoring order in the world, this scenario looks rather appealing. However, from the perspective of a complex humanity’s organism development, it is no good. The fact is that the totalitarian order, in which everything will be under control and all social processes will become unified, is good only as an emergency temporary measure towards the restoration of an elementary order. But such an equalizing order will make humanity incapable of further development, and basically incapable even of living existence [4].
Any living system (the human body, for example) is organized hierarchically. And if at the lowest levels of the hierarchy the biochemical processes are the same within the cells of the liver, heart or stomach, the higher in the hierarchy we rise, the more differences in structure and function we find. Finally, at the very top level, each organ lives its own individual life and performs its unique functions, which allows the whole body to be what we know.
Hence the conclusion is:
The establishment of the unified humanity will be lifesaving only when arranged harmoniously. Harmony (this was already understood by the ancient Greeks) – is the formation of a single integrated system out of diverse and even contradictory parts of various scales. Humanity will become a unified ORGANISM only when it manages to unite in all its unique diversity, without losing it at the upper levels of its existence – at the level of cultures and civilizations. At the same time, it would be unified at its lower levels (financial, technical, informational, etc.).
For this purpose it is essential to step into the age of New Harmony, an age, aimed at the harmonizing of all facets of the human’s existence: geopolitical, social, technological, environmental and agricultural. And the main task of this New age would be the transition from the extensive growth of consumption to the harmonious optimization of all aspects of life. Thus, in particular, it is necessary to switch to additive technologies, to a complex harmonious cultivation of agricultural products without the use of GMO, pesticides and hormones.
Yet, the task, which is especially important, is the harmonizing of social life, where a huge share of national income is currently spent on protecting and restoring of order.
If we set the task of the global harmonization of all life activities of the humankind, it would be possible to reduce the waste of energy and resources many-fold having the same level of consumption, alleviate the environmental burden on nature by an order of magnitude. And most importantly – it would eventually be possible to form a harmoniously wholesome ORGANISM of the humankind, which will be finally ready to "hatch" from its earthly "egg" and enter the cosmic civilizations community (Fig.7).
What must we do to get in contact
with cosmic civilizations?
Step 1. |
Evolve further into a "ripe fruit" – a harmonious wholesome humanity. |
Step 2. |
Break the "egg’s" shell out – get in contact with cosmic civilizations. |
Fig. 7.
Literature used
1. Idlis G. M., // News of the Astroph. Institute of the Kazakh SSR. 1958. Vol. 7. P.52.
2. Carter B. Coincidence of large numbers and anthropological principle in cosmology. // Cosmology. Theories and observations. M., 1978. P. 369-370.
3. Sukhonos S. I. Scale harmony of the Universe. M.: New center, 2001.
4. Sukhonos S. I. Quantum harmony. M.: Public education, 2018.