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Лукьяница Андрей Александрович

  • Список работ автора в нашем издании

  • д.т.н., МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова, Факультет вычислительной математики и кибернетики, Кафедра автоматизации научных исследований, старший научный сотрудник

    Опубликованные и упоминаемые в нашем издании работы Автора

    1. Atomic Force Microscopy Study of the Long-Term Effect of the Glycerol Flow, Stopped in a Coiled Heat Exchanger, on Horseradish Peroxidase
    2. AFM Study of the Influence of Stopped Glycerol Flow in a Coil on Peroxidase Enzyme
    3. Glycerol Flow through a Shielded Coil Induces Aggregation and Activity Enhancement of Horseradish Peroxidase
    4. Stopped Flow of Glycerol Induces the Enhancement of Adsorption and Aggregation of HRP on Mica
    5. AFM Investigation of the Influence of Steam Flow through a Conical Coil Heat Exchanger on Enzyme Properties
    6. Atomic Force Microscopy Study of the Effect of an Electric Field, Applied to a Pyramidal Structure, on Enzyme Biomolecules
    7. Effect of a Conical Cellulose Structure on Horseradish Peroxidase Biomacromolecules
    8. The Effect of a Rotating Cone on Horseradish Peroxidase Aggregation on Mica Revealed by Atomic Force Microscopy
    9. The Influence of a High-Voltage Discharge in a Helicoidal Twisted-Pair Structure on Enzyme Adsorption
    10. The Effect of a Dodecahedron-Shaped Structure on the Properties of an Enzyme
    11. Radiothermometric Study of the Effect of Amino Acid Mutation on the Characteristics of the Enzymatic System
    12. The Effect of Incubation near an Inversely Oriented Square Pyramidal Structure on Adsorption Properties of Horseradish Peroxidase
    13. Влияние остановленного потока жидкости на белок
    14. Investigation of the Influence of Liquid Motion in a Flow-Based System on an Enzyme Aggregation State with an Atomic Force Microscopy Sensor: The Effect of Glycerol Flow
    15. Воздействие водного соленоида на колебательные режимы крутильных весов

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