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Дарио Салас Соммэр
From Golden Mathematics to Golden Behavior (to the 70-anniversary of Alexey Stakhov)
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От Золотой Математики к Золотому Поведению (к 70-летию Алексея Стахова )

Статья написана в развитие статьи «Золотая» Герметическая Философия (авторы Дарио Салас Соммэр и Алексей Стахов)(http://www.trinitas.ru/rus/doc/0232/012a/02322013.htm)


Originally, Philosophy and Science were one and the same: The tireless search for the keys to existence, to understand the mysteries of life and of the Universe at large. For many reasons, after several millennia, intellectual exercise and practical experiment took parallel paths, to such an extent that today philosophy and science seem to be two totally different and opposite things.

A few years ago I read professor Aleksey Staknov’s papers, which can be found in the Museum of Harmony’s website http://www.goldenmuseum.com/ and was pleasantly surprised by the amount and quality of phenomena observed within Nature, which reflect the main reason of life: The Evolution.

The principals and laws of the golden ratio which manifests in Nature, seems to suggest a path which has been lost – the path of harmonious development and evolution in accordance to the highest cosmic laws.

This is what Hermetic philosophy is all about. It states that the only true meaning of our life resides in the evolution of individual consciousness, which consists of developing qualities which are truly human and thus separate us from animals. Unfortunately, this objective has been forgotten, in favor of all kinds of sensual pleasures; so much so, that today it is very difficult for people to comprehend and recognize the meaning of life on Earth. Perhaps with the help of Mathematics of Harmony, we will be able to form enough evidence that will show mankind that we do not have many possibilities in life but only two: either we follow the path of evolution or we are absorbed by Nature.

How can humans evolve? What does the Creator expect from us?

A higher state of consciousness is the most important task an individual can accomplish in order to solve vital and transcendental problems. Only by possessing this state of consciousness can we become developed, establish justice and equality in the world to be able to direct the natural resources of the planet correctly, creating unity among all countries and cultures of the world through friendship and cooperation in order to achieve world peace.

To be able to follow the path of evolution, we must instill the eternal laws of Nature, morals and ethics from an early age. Real morality stems from the evidence put forth in Nature, which constantly shows us the convenience of acting correctly, in accordance to the highest form of good, respect and harmony within the laws of Nature. Evil begets evil, in the same way, good begets good. Mankind’s arbitrariness infringes against Nature’s order creating chaos. The only solution is to act in accordance to the principle of Harmony which leads us towards spiritual and material prosperity.

This is where I see convergence for the activities we have in common. Through the rigorous principles of Mathematics of Harmony it is possible to prove the need to follow the will of the Cosmos and its evolutionary impulse. The violation of cosmic principles has a negative influence on human and planetary quality of life.

I have carried out scientific experiments that prove how certain types of Moral violations immediately create a decrease in the vital energy levels of the individual at fault. These experiments are described in the book “Moral for the XXI st. Century”. The results show that serious violations to Moral laws creates chaos and organic disintegration, which is energy that is dissonant to the order and harmony of Nature, and damages brain and bodily functions. Years of observation and experiments have convinced me that people without a higher consciousness are simply robots that march blindly through life executing their cerebral program.

The works of many Russian Scientists directly or indirectly confirm the need for individuals to follow the path of evolution. I would like to cite the words of Russian Mathematician: Nikita Moiseyev:

“… Morals is a much finer concept than morality, as it not only relates to a set of values approved by society but has to do with the spirituality of human beings and their internal values. We must take an inevitable step within discussions on ecology, technology and politics towards the problems of evolution within the internal world of man. We must find a way to influence mankind so that spirituality becomes the most important value. This is key in the larger task of saving the human race…”

I am sure that Nikita Moiseev was not only a mathematician, but also a Philosopher who understood the profound abyss which has divided the internal world of human beings, who do not change at all, and at the same time have accelerated progress and technology.

Research carried out by astronomer Butusov has proven that among the planets of the Solar System there is an interaction which strives for harmony, this is similar throughout the Cosmos. What would happen in the planetary system if one of its planets behaved arbitrarily breaking the laws of harmony irradiating dissonant frequencies? Without a doubt, this would bring forth an immediate reaction and the system would try to reestablish order to avoid destruction. What could happen to a group of people who irradiate emotional and instinctive chaotic vibrations? Indubitably they would be affecting the Earth negatively, creating discordance within the Solar System and the Universe, thus provoking an inevitable compensatory reaction which could bring about all kinds of reactions which could create a natural or social disaster.

I would also like to mention the research of Russian Scientist Tsvetkov, which proves how the principles of Harmony work within the cardiovascular system. For example, an individual who tends towards destructive emotions and passion will have heart trouble and health problems due to this.

The work of Gariaev is also interesting as his research and experiments agree with the ideas stated in the book “Moral for the XXI st Century”. Based on numerous experiments Gariaev proves that people are constantly irradiating photons and thus relate to the whole Universe.

In my books I state and prove through experiments that by committing an immoral act, human beings release destructive photons which destroy harmony and balance within the Universe and create a defensive reaction within Nature. This is why “as you sow, so shall you reap.” We harvest what we sow and Nature gives back a thousand times what is sown. He who sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind—he who sows wheat shall have sheaves and bread. The person who does not work on his libido remains a slave to his animal passions and impulses that will lead him to degradation. Destructive jealousy, envy, and other passions, poison the blood causing illnesses of the soul and body and negatively influencing the Cosmos.

Thus, the scientists in Mathematics of Harmony club—Butusov, Gariaev, Stakhov, Tsvetkov, Budanov and probably many other Russian thinkers—have had the chance to observe and systematize the phenomena of nature that prove the existence of laws based on the principles of the Golden Ratio. Their works may become established scientific facts confirming the necessity of human evolution and the development of superior ethical values.

Golden Mathematics, for example, can calculate the principles of rational consumption in order to hold back the violent pace at which the planet is being pillaged, which raises the level of entropy of the Earth leading it to destruction. (Did you know that to maintain the average level of consumption of one inhabitant of the planet industry must remove and transform about 60 cubic meters of rock annually?)

We could work out together the Boss (judgment) of Golden Success, which will not be exclusively associated with economic abundance; comprehension of the concept will be much broader and will be oriented toward achieving the true objective of life: the evolution of individual consciousness.

Comprehension that success and happiness depend on impeccable moral conduct gives a person enormous internal strength which permits him to act in accordance with Superior Ethics. Whoever follows the rules of Morals will feel the positive change that is produced when the heart is free from anger, envy and indignation, experiencing a kind of transcendental happiness as a result of complete harmony with Nature.

Golden Mathematics and Hermetic Philosophy (see the article “Golden Hermetic Philosophy by Dario Salas Sommer and Alexey Stakhov http://www.trinitas.ru/rus/doc/0232/012a/02322013.htm) can become the unbreakable foundation that explains the need for harmonious existence and the development of criteria for the “Golden Behavior of the human being.” We could then justify the need for investing in the development of Morals and Consciousness so that everyone can comprehend Morals as the fusion of all the laws of Nature, obedience to which will fill their lives with spiritual and material success. And then, with time, wise leaders will arise with superior consciousness and not merely encyclopedic knowledge; leaders with spiritual values and superior Morals, with internal integrity and a full vision of reality.

In the times of Pythagoras, philosophy and mathematics were united. Thanks to the work of the Pythagorean School knowledge of the quantitative laws of the development of the world contributed to the development of many sciences. This sentence has been attributed to Pythagoras: “To know the universe is to know the numbers that direct it.” Studying numbers and proportions, the followers of this School tried to know and describe the human soul, and then to direct the process of their individual evolution. I think that this task is still with us, just as it was in the days of Pythagoras.

Дарио Салас Соммэр, From Golden Mathematics to Golden Behavior (to the 70-anniversary of Alexey Stakhov) // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.15200, 31.03.2009

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