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Институт Физики Вакуума - Публикации

Gubarev E.A.
Dynamics of an oriented point and inertia
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Considered are the issues of modern physics concerned with the formulation of the equations of motion of a particle in conventional noninertial frames of reference.
It is shown that in terms of G. Shipov's theory of physical vacuum a conventional noninertial frame can only be described as a frame undergoing a four-dimensional rotation in an absolute- parallelism space.
An equation is proposed and formulated to describe a change in the orientation of an oriented point in a manifold of angular variables. The orientation equation does not follow from the equations of motion of the center of an oriented point in terms of the theory of physical vacuum (geodetic equations), but it rather complements them in a natural manner. The main contribution to the change in the orientation of the oriented point is made by a torsion field concerned with the introduction to the space-time of additional nonholonomic coordinates — rotational degrees of freedom of an oriented point. The torsion field can be caused by (a) the torsion components of an external field; (b) the very time-space relative to a noninertial frame. The components of the torsion field in a conventional noninertial frame have been worked out.
It is shown that in terms of physical vacuum theory a noninertial frame can locally be realized in two ways, each of which leads to two different expressions for the forces acting on a particle. It is also shown that in the first-kind noninertial system a torsion field brings about forces that are identical to inertial forces in mechanics.

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Gubarev E.A. Dynamics of an oriented point and inertia // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.11733, 23.12.2004

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