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Институт Физики Вакуума - Отзывы

R.M. Kiehn
Emeritus, Physics Dept., Univ. Houston
A Strong Equivalence Principle
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Пока наши горе-ученые, брызжа ненавистью, походя критикуют работы Г.И. Шипова, американский математик Роберт Кин заметил, что сильный принцип эквивалентности реализуется в теории физического вакуума, а не в теории гравитации Эйнштейна.

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Consider Cn spaces where the exterior differentiation of a vector basis of C2 functions leads to a Cartan matrix of exterior differential 1-forms. A second exterior differentiation leads to a Cartan matrix of curvature 2-forms, which must evaluate to zero, by the Poincare lemma. The Cartan connection matrix can be decomposed in to two parts, one part based on a metric (Christoffel) connection, and the other part on a residue matrix of 1-forms such that [С] = [Γ] + [T]. The exterior differential of the composite connection must vanish such that the curvature 2-forms produced by the metric component must be balanced by all other matrices of 2-forms coming from the Residue connection and interaction 2-forms generated by exterior products of the [Γ] and [Γ]. The result must balance to zero. If the curvature 2-forms generated by the metric based connection are associated with Gravity, and the rest of the curvature 2-forms are associated with -Inertia, the result is a strong principle of equivalence:

Gravity curvature 2-forms equal Inertial curvature 2-forms.

1. Examples of Physical Vacuums
1.1. Shipov and Absolute Parallelism

The sophomoric idea of a vacuum is that is a «void» which is «empty», and without internal structure. The idea that the Physical Vacuum could be a «void» which is not «empty» (in the sense that such a void could have internal structures) was

brought to my attention by the work of Gennady Shipov [3]. Shipov's research in this area deserves an accolade.

Shipov built his ideas based on the tensor concepts of «Absolute Parallelism», which was an extension of the idea that length of a vector should be an invariant of «parallel» transplantation process. Schouten describes «Absolute Parallelism» (p. 87 [Schouten]) in terms of a space which he defines as an Ara space. The Schouten space admits a connection which is restricted to be symmetric in the lower indices,

Following the tensor methods of Vitale and Weitzenbock, G. Shipov uses a slightly more general definition of a space of «Absolute Parallelism». Shipov studies those spaces where the connection admits the possibility of «affine torsion»; i. e., where the anti-symmetric portions of the connection coefficients are not zero: Warning: Shipov in his book uses the same notation, An, as does Schouten for such a space, which can be confusing. In order to distinguish the Schouten An (Schouten) space from a Shipov space, the Shipov space will be described as a Sn (Shipov) space. The remarkable advance developed by Shipov is the idea that the physical vacuum is an S4(Shipov) space of «Absolute Parallelism, which admits internal structure in terms of the anti-symmetric components of a connection, This internal structure has been described as «Affine Torsion». The physical vacuum is not necessarily a empty «Euclidean void», but can have certain substructure properties, which can be interpreted as being not «empty».

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R.M. Kiehn A Strong Equivalence Principle // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.12620, 24.11.2005

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