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Академия Кибертехнологий

Association of Cyber Technologies
World Time Events
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On stitching everything in space by the events of time,

we weave all in peace patterns around!

An innovative base of the «SATURN-EVA» project became the scientific paradigm of a fundamentally new digital financial system that gives energy to the digitized properties of any object associated with a change in its state and law, which determines its effect and impact on the real economy of many countries and the World community as a whole.

With the digital economy, as world time events, the offset (bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies) standards for the existing monetary world financial system are changing with the unconditional conversion of information and production cycles into a digital image in the context of the world division of labor.

On the basis of Bitcoin and its derivative tokens and other cryptocurrencies, a new Reverse Financial Machine has been created, which will allow in the future to remove restrictions on innovative-industrial development and turn the potential of the HUMAN - CREATOR into an arena of all-mankind cooperation.

The social cycle of socio-economic development and the transformation of the global financial system on the technological basis of the digital economy with the generation of electronic money (digital assets, tokens and cryptocurrencies) is gaining its own dynamics of acceleration and is defining its new frontiers in the space of time, fulfilling its main task - the humanization of financial and economic system and related state processes.

Bitcoin and its derivative prototypes were originally designed as a job creation tool for as many people as possible. For this, the simultaneous algorithm of proof of work (the proof of work) and proof of stake (the proof of stake) were worked out. So far, only proof of work (the proof of work) has been implemented on Bitcoin.

At the first stage, the creators of Bitcoin formulated the goal: to develop a GitHub software environment for generating ordinate public and private keys.

These keys are:

  • provide protection against DDOS attacks based on asymmetric peer-to-peer crypto algorithms;
  • solve problems with decentralized scaling of matrices of closed codes with saving public key entries for registering growing chains of blocks;
  • create new generative keys for a self-developing system of neural nodes of a multicurrency crypto-framework of the digital economy of the community as a whole.

We together with the partners in the frame of the «SATURN-EVA» project create the Network-centric Architecture of Tensor Management of Distributed Neural Nodes with an electronic signature, which is done on the basis of the Obertone Transaction Generator with a symmetric crypto algorithm, which provides stable protection in any application of the Mobile Information Environment With Intelligent Core in any possible spatial configuration of interacting devices.

The principle of creating Bitcoin is based on asymmetric cryptography, we were the first in the world to create an electronic signature based on a symmetric crypto algorithm, which has shown its effectiveness in the Central Bank of Russia and has been used in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation from 1992 to the present. And no one can decrypt this algorithm so far.

To create a completely new neural architecture of communication algorithms for modularly oriented transaction operations with a system of symmetric algorithms for transit-oriented information encryption, we have our own mathematical apparatus, all the technical, technological capabilities and experience.

It will be the most secure architecture for the neural organization of the reverse circulation of electronic money (digital assets, tokens and cryptocurrencies) with the integrator robot control communication system TRION (Transmission Communication Robot Integrator for Object-oriented Nomination).

Our proposed matrix digital system of cryptographic algorithms for the processes of integrating creative active personalities begins with the production of the world's most reliable & secured hardware and software tech complex - a crypto-smartphone «SATURN-МТТ», protected by symmetric crypto-algorithms that will meet the highest level of military-technical standards.

The cardinal differences of the crypto smartphone «SATURN-МТТ» from others is that they are used:

  • symmetric crypto algorithms for electronic signature;
  • voice over GSM data transfer technology - invisible for intercepting of information;
  • hardware random number generator for key generation according to the TeMpest standard;
  • crypto-safe, in which there are many crypto wallets;
  • a software crypto wallet compatible with the main one, which is used to store small amounts of electronic money for mass trading;
  • hardware crypto-wallet to store money in large volumes;
  • built-in settlement and payment system based on its own key generator;
  • full TeMpest standard for a cold hardware crypto-wallet with precise definition of “bookmarks” in the processor and microcircuits with their blocking;
  • protection of voice and data transmitted via GSM, Internet, Datelite (the hardware complex fully complies with the TeMpest standard);
  • hardware system for storing addresses of crypto-wallet users according to the TeMpest standard;
  • a secure dynamic channel for transferring information between users with hardware crypto routers according to the TeMPest standard.

As a result of the project, we will create an aggregator for the manufacture of our own Generators of Oberton Transactions using SIBDA – CODE «EVA» (Encryption Voice Algorithm) for the issuance of our own tokens and cryptocurrencies with their updating and activation based on traditional banking products such as Visa, MasterCard, MIR and the whole range of new payment systems using blockchain technology.


Key - a sequence of characters that is generated, stored, used and destroyed in accordance with cryptographic requirements and is used as control information in cryptographic transformations, such as encryption / decryption, calculation of a cryptographic integrity check, generation/ verification of an electronic digital signature.

TOKEN - Technological Ordinary Key of the Elotation Namer (Name and Number) of an intangible and tangible asset.

BITCOIN – BLOCKS OF INTEGRATION OF TRANSACTIONS Char-faith-in Ordinateur Indicative Number.

TALANT - Tensor Architecture of Linear Neural Transaction Algorithms.

TWINCOIN – Targeted Worldwide Integrated Nominated Coin.

SIBDA - Singulator of Inversion Biometric Distributed Algorithm.

Crypto-Symbol is a cryptographic information matrix that is a means of packaging, encoding and transporting information of a very high degree of density.

Crypto-Information matrix - a converter of incoming information into a combination of Reverse crypto codes.

The use of matrices with a reverse code in the field of issuing electronic money (cryptocurrency), in turn, will provide a solution to problems in all areas of management and control of the socio-economic development of countries and puts it out of competition, while its implementation does not require ultra-high technologies, as soon as the matrix is not a technological development - it is a new mathematical solution.

Neuron is an element of a decision rule or a network making the final decision, capable of estimating a measure of the distance between a controlled fragment of a biometric standard and presented for comparison with a similar fragment of a vector of biometric parameters.


In modern computer systems, more and more attention are paid to building an interface of natural input-output information.

One of the promising areas today is the use of speech dialogue systems, which involves automatic synthesis and speech recognition.

When developing a system for automatic speech recognition, which is the most complex subsystem of speech dialogue, various methods are used. Recently, great prospects in solving the problem of speech recognition are associated with the use of wavelet analysis of the speech signal.

Methods that use the wavelet transform overcome many of the limitations and difficulties encountered in speech recognition, and they also have significant advantages, since they make it possible to judge not only the frequency spectrum of the signal, but also at what point in time a particular harmonic appeared.

In modern science, wavelets are an effective mathematical tool in many studies.

The main reason for their use is the possibility of obtaining in the analysis results of a certain signal not only a list of its characteristic frequencies, but also information about the local coordinates at which these frequencies manifest themselves.

Currently, wavelets are beginning to be widely used in solving various applied problems: pattern recognition, in the processing and synthesis of various signals (for example, speech), in image analysis, and in many other cases.

For a relatively short time of existence of the theory of wavelets, a developed mathematical apparatus was formed on its basis.

However, scientists and researchers have not yet managed to sufficiently reflect all the advantages of wavelet transforms in practice.

All these facts, established as a result of the analysis of scientific and applied works in this area, determine the relevance of this work.

Our recommendations on the development and implementation of a decentralized system of digital financial and legal technologies in various fields of science and industry are intended to assist partners in creating infrastructural elements of an innovative basic architecture for the development of the digital economy of the countries of the World Community and are based on Communication Algorithms for Integrating Creatively Active Personalities Unified in their views on goal-setting in the Sphere of dissemination and integration of knowledge, experience and mechanisms, ensure guaranteed operation at all stages of implementation and development of digital technologies.

These recommendations reinforce the role of the natural growth of the resource of intellectual activity, based on the desire of people to implement their own ideas and projects and, thereby, provide decent conditions for creative life for the HUMAN - CREATOR.

Joint management of the circulation of investment capital is ensured in unions, associations, foundations or agencies (innovative), grouping participants in investment processes on a different basis for the circulation of capital and acting as legal entities on the existing legislative base of state territorial entities regulated in the international legal system.

International capital integration is mainly implemented in investment projects, and not only the property value of the means of production is socialized, but also capitalized income in the form of specific benefits for each Private investor, regardless of the territory of His/Her residence and citizenship.

Among the key tasks for the medium term, the design and methods for solving and implementing fundamentally new mechanisms for the development of a decentralized financial architecture have already been identified, the main purpose of which is the formation of a Digital Economy system based on the management of authors - specialists with the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies in organizing effective managing your own projects based on digital financial - legal technologies.

AND WE CAN JOINTLY CREATE all the necessary conditions for the introduction of a fundamentally new approach in the formation of effective digital financial and legal mechanisms for the development of integration processes into a single constructive global economic space with the simultaneous transformation of the existing World Financial Architecture, which in the future, inevitably and unconditionally, will lead to HARMONIZATION of relations The world community in all SPHERES OF DEVELOPMENT OF HUMANITY and their PEACEFUL coexistence !!!

AND WE STAND AHEAD OF FORMATION OF CRYPTO INVESTMENT PLATFORM WITH A UNIQUE FORMULA CRYPTO MONETARY UNION BY CREATING THE ONE CRYPTO-CURRENCY CONVERTER - a versatile development of participants unitary national monetary systems in the implementation of a new supranational Architecture countable monetary issue and singulation of general plans for various cultural, national public and state entities !!!


The legal standards provided for in the legislative base of countries that support the implementation of digital financial technologies make it possible to accelerate the creation of new organizational elements of the infrastructure for the development of the digital economy and create a favorable climate for attracting highly effective investments in quickly implemented projects, stimulating the vector of development of high-quality use of new equipment and technologies.

Administrative and organizational measures and the creation of prerequisites for the development of the Crypto Investment Platform and the optimization of the launch plan for the highly liquid emission program «TALANT» under the Project «SATURN – MISSION - TRION» are on the preliminary stage of readiness and at the stage of formation of project management groups through the development structures of holdings on a private and private - state basis with the creation of subsidiaries by regions of the Countries.

If the principle of work and the mechanism is clear, then the organizational structure and its legal implementation is always achievable!

And in the presented format we will be able to formulate and determine the real basis for our cooperation and the development of integrated economic projects using digital financial technologies

Jump Digital SATURN


Association of Cyber Technologies, World Time Events // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.25655, 16.08.2019

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