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Victor Kuligin, Maria Korneva
The electromagnetic nature of the Newton law of gravitation

Oб авторе - Victor Kuligin
Oб авторе - Maria Korneva

Abstract: The main source of problems in GRT is indicated. Physicists and geometers in explaining phenomena do not take into account the simultaneous existence of two spaces (linear space-time and curvilinear space-time). The initial assumptions of GRT (the hypothesis of equivalence of inertial and gravitational masses) are described and analyzed. It is shown that the principle of equivalence of the masses is philosophically incorrect, and the “experimental verification” of the hypothesis is difficult because of the lack of accuracy of the measuring devices. The idea of J. Thomson (J.J. Thomson. 1856-1940) about the electromagnetic nature of material bodies is developed. It is shown that gravity is the square effect of Coulomb's law. It has been established that the idea of “maxwellization” of Newton’s theory excellently supports the idea of J. Thomson about the electromagnetic nature of inertial matter.

Keywords: electromagnetic mass, Newton's law of universal gravitation, GTR

1. Introduction

The idea of the electromagnetic nature of matter was put forward at the end of the 19th century by the great English scientist Thomson. The following circumstance hindered the idea of implementation of "maxwellization" of the Newton theory of gravity. An analysis [1] showed that the energy conservation law formulated by Poynting was limited by electromagnetic waves and was completely unsuitable for use for instantaneous charge fields.

The problem of electromagnetic mass in the non-relativistic approximation was solved after the proof of two energy conservation laws: Umov’s conservation law and Lenz’s conservation law [1]. Based on these laws, it was proved that the electromagnetic mass has the same properties as the standard inertial mass (electromagnetic mass me, pulse P = mev, kinetic energy Ek =mev2/2). Umov’s conservation law in a relativistic-covariant form was formulated later (see, for example, [2]).

However, the establishment of the electromagnetic nature of matter did not end there. The problem of electromagnetic mass was solved, the theory of interaction of electric charges perfectly fit into the framework of classical mechanics [2]. However, the Newton’s law of gravitation “did not fit” in the framework of electromagnetic representations.

The analogy between the Coulomb’s law and the law of gravitation of Newton, which would allow consider gravitational phenomena as quadratic phenomena of electrodynamics, was suggested. Two circumstances prevented idea of “maxwellization” theory. The first circumstance is GRT, created by A. Einstein. GRT advocates have hampered the publication of critical articles and alternative approaches. The second problem was a logical difficulty. Large bodies (stars, planets, material objects) are electrically neutral. How can we connect the electric charges and the phenomenon of neutral bodies?

GRT did not justify the hopes of scientists. “Black holes”, “Dark matter”, “Big Bang” and other oddities of the phenomena predicted by GRT required logical explanations. Finding the source of the problems led us to discover an interesting fact. The fact is that about 200 years ago, geometers made a mistake [3].

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Victor Kuligin, Maria Korneva, The electromagnetic nature of the Newton law of gravitation // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.25042, 26.12.2018

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