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Stanislav Konstantinov
The paradoxes of electrodynamics, nuclear fusion and tunneling effect
Oб авторе

Department of Physical Electronics,
Russian State Pedagogical University,
St.Petersburg, RCC”Energy”, Russia
E-mail: konstantinov.s.i@yandex.com

Abstract: The article raises the question of revision of Maxwell’s electrodynamics and the refusal of the Lorentz calibration. Relatively modest results of years of work of the collective of the National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute" in the creation of a fusion reactor based on the tokamak due to the fact that Maxwell’s electrodynamics is very different from the real electrodynamics in a tokamak. The tunnel effect paves the way for a truly controlled nuclear fusion.

Keywords: Tokamak (toroidal chamber with magnetic coils for plasma confinement), a toroidal (non-force) magnetic field, poloidal (force) magnetic field, vector potential A.

1. Introduction

2016 marks 10 years (2006) the beginning of the project between Russia, EU, USA, Japan, China, Korea and India for the joint construction of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) in France based on the tokamak. Prospects for the tokamak as a thermonuclear (14 MeV) neutron source are examined. In June 2016 it was reported to delay completion of the work from 2020 to 2025. Today, we can talk about a complex problem faced by the creators of the ITER project, because for the calculation of electrodynamics in a tokamak currently used classical equations of Maxwell. Real electrodynamics inside the tokamak is very different from the calculation [1]. Hot plasma particles move along magnetic field lines of arbitrary topology to the walls of the tokamak and destroy it. Here is a brief history of tokamak. In June 1950 soldiers Oleg Lavrent’ev wrote in a letter to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, which proposed to create a system with electrostatic confinement of hot plasmas for controlled thermonuclear fusion (CTF). CTF is a synthesis of heavier atomic nuclei of lighter atomic nuclei with the release of large amounts of energy. At a temperature of 100 million degrees initial nucleons or light hydrogen nucleus can overcome the electrical repulsion force and the distance of the nuclear forces of gravity to form heavier nuclei of helium atoms. Natural fusion reactor, the sun, which is already billions of years are uncontrollable processes of nuclear fusion of helium nuclei of hydrogen deuterium. In terrestrial conditions, an inexhaustible source of hydrogen for thermonuclear power can become water. Initiative O.Lavrent’ev to create a magnetic trap for the hot plasma Support was academics Andrei Sakharov and Igor Tamm. In october 1950, they offered a toroidal device with longitudinal magnetic field to keep the hot plasma, now known as the tokamak. The world's first toroidal unit with a strong longitudinalmagnetic field TMF (torr with the magnetic field) was built in 1955 in the USSR. In 2015 modernized the tokamak T-15, plasma confinement duration in which less than 1s, while both the draft T-15 retention time in a steady state plasma should be 5-10 seconds.

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Stanislav Konstantinov, The paradoxes of electrodynamics, nuclear fusion and tunneling effect // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.22667, 29.10.2016

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