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A.N. Shelaev
Over long change of low-stable self-modulation regimes by highly stable stationary regimes with very long memory of induced regimes in YAG: Nd3+ solid-state ring lasers at high-frequency modulation of laser perimeter with extremely small amplitude much less radiation wavelenth

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It is reported about experimental establishment and theoretical interpretation of nontrivial effects of abnormally long change (≥10-100 s!!) of the low-stable 1st and 2nd kind self-modulation regimes by exclusively stable stationary regimes of uni- or bidirectional lasing with constant intensities and effects of very long (≥10 s!) memory of this induced regimes after break of lasing in YAG: Nd3+ solid-state ring lasers (SRL) under modulation of laser perimeter at high-frequencies (≥ 1MHz), which corresponds to return time of setting of the field in the laser resonator, and at extremely small perimeter modulation amplitude (≤10-8 - 10-9 m!), which is much less then the radiation wavelength (λ≈ 1,064∙10-6 m).

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A.N. Shelaev, Over long change of low-stable self-modulation regimes by highly stable stationary regimes with very long memory of induced regimes in YAG: Nd3+ solid-state ring lasers at high-frequency modulation of laser perimeter with extremely small amplitude much less radiation wavelenth // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.22169, 07.06.2016

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