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Robert Nazaryan1, Haik Nazaryan2
Time and Space Reversal Problems In Armenian Theory of Relativity
Oб авторе - Robert Nazaryan
Oб авторе - Haik Nazaryan

1 Physics Department, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia

2 Physics Department, California State University, Northridge, USA


In this current article we are analyzing in detail, T-symmetry (time reversal transformation) and P-symmetry (spatial inverse transformations) phenomenons in Armenian Theory of Relativity in one dimensional physical space. For that purpose we are referring and using our previous articles results, especially in the case of research mirror reflection phenomena (spatial inversion) where we are mostly referring to our main research article, published in Armenia on June 2013 (96 pages).

We are delighted to know that Armenian Theory of Relativity has passed the first phase of total ridicule and now is in the phase of active discussion in scientific communities across the world. This article can be considered as an answer to the physicists who criticize the Armenian Theory of Relativity by saying that the Armenian relativistic transformations and formulas are not an invariant under time-reversal transformation and therefore Armenian Theory of Relativity is wrong.

In the first section of our article we are showing that in the case of time-reversal, Armenian Theory of Relativity is in full agreement with legacy physics and therefore our opponents criticisms in that matter are baseless.

In the case of spatial inversion (in our case mirror reflection) Armenian Theory of Special Relativity does not contradict in quality with legacy physics, but gives a more detailed and fine description of that phenomena, which in the macro-world is mostly unobservable but plays a very significant role in the micro-world.

Our received results can explain many parity irregularities in elementary particle physics, especially the violation parity process in weak interactions.


Armenian Relativity; Lorentz Relativity; Relativistic Transformations; Time Reversal; Space Reversal; Free Energy


Scientists examine symmetry properties of the Universe to solve problems and to search for new understandings of the physical laws governing the behavior of matter of the world around us (both macro and micro). That is what we have done in our new Armenian Theory of Relativity, where we are exploring totally new uncharted territory.

If we like to effectively present our article and explain only time-reversal phenomena or only space-reversal phenomena or both: time-reversal and space-reversal phenomenons together, then we really need to understand the physical meanings of these two different phenomenons. It is worth to mention that the one dimensional space-reversal phenomena is equivalent to the mirror reflection phenomena, which is the main content of our article.

Time-reversal phenomena has many philosophical complexities such as time travel and so on, but its physical meaning is a very simple mathematical action which leaves the physical formula unchanged or negates the formula. We also need to mention that all fundamental physical quantities, which are not derived from time stays unchanged, such as test particle spatial coordinates (x → x), masses (m → m ) and charges (q → q). Therefore in all legacy physics formulas, besides for negating time and keeping the test particle spatial coordinates, masses and charges unchanged, we also need to negate the physical quantities, which have been derived by odd order derivation of spatial coordinates by time. For example we need to negate the sign of all velocities (u → -u). On the contrary, if physical quantities which have been derived by even order derivation of spatial coordinates by time, then those must stay unchanged such as the test particle acceleration (a → a).

Spatial coordinates inversion, which in our article means mirror reflection action about X axis, is surprisingly becoming a more complex physical phenomena than time-reversal phenomena. If we like to fully understand parity-reversal phenomena physical meanings and describe it mathematically, we need to define the idea of opposite inertial systems. Afterward all Armenian relativistic formulas need to be rewritten according to the new defined direct and opposite inertial systems and then find relation between those two type of quantities and formulas.

First we will investigate in detail the time-reversal phenomena case and then shift all our attention to spatial-inversion (mirror-reflection) phenomena in Armenian Theory of Special Relativity.

Contrary to Lorentz theory of relativity, Armenian Theory of Relativity is more rich because of two new time-space characterizing coefficients s and g. Therefore, except for the above mentioned concern, in time-reversal and mirror-reflection cases, we also need to simultaneously make the following changes.

a) In the time-reversal case in Armenian Theory of Relativity we need to also negate the sign of coefficient s and leave the sign of coefficient of g unchanged. So we need to make the following substitutions:

(s → -s) and (g → g).

b) In the mirror-reflection case in Armenian Theory of Relativity we need to leave both s and g

time-space constants unchanged: (s → s) and (g → g).

We also like to emphasize that we did not denote coefficient s that letter by accident, but we denote it by design, because it is the spin-like quantity in Macro World, which will be represented as a real vector in the three dimensional world. But in the Micro World that coefficient s in reality represents the spin of the test particle. We like to remind you also that in quantum mechanics, in the case of time-reversal, the spin sign is negated and in case of mirror reflection the spin sign is left unchanged. Therefore we can conclude that everything is in complete harmony with legacy physics.

It is worth to mention again that all legacy physics (classical and relativistic) transformations and formulas can be obtained from Armenian Theory of Relativity as a particular case by substituting s = 0 and g= -1 .

In the end we like to make a statement that: Armenian Theory of Relativity is a Theory of Asymmetric Relativity.

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Robert Nazaryan, Haik Nazaryan, Time and Space Reversal Problems In Armenian Theory of Relativity // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.20418, 28.03.2015

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